How to save time (and money) on the job
Research shows that, despite the best intentions, we spend the vast majority of our time at work talking — up to 50-80% of the day. This is partly because management and employees are historically bad at communicating, particularly when not in the same room. A study of 4,000 employees shows that 46% were unsure about the task they were being asked to perform by their direct manager, with 37% showing uncertainty between one and three times a day.
For those out on the field in data-collection roles, this time lag can cost more than the project is worth if repeat trips and phone calls are needed to bring clarification. Sending more senior management out on-site is also highly impractical and time-costly, particularly when their skills are needed elsewhere.
So this presents a real dilemma — how can you get the knowledge and experience of senior management onsite to support more junior employees?
Two-way communication.
Datanest began with the goal of reducing time spent on the field cataloguing and recording data. Developing out of insights into the earth science and geotechnical fields, the data collection functions of the app allow a user to gather data and make reports while tailoring exactly what information is required. With a broad number of possibilities, the platform includes the ability to add datasets, video, imagery, notes and other relevant details as needed.
The wider benefits of this feature and real-time data collection soon became apparent. Managers can set parameters that allow for flexibility in their reporting whilst also feeding back to and editing other people’s reports. So anything collected onsite can be noted and corrected by an experienced eye.
Datanest’s collection software also means raw data and analysis can be collected without interruption in another feature of datanest called the hub, allowing multiple users and datasets to be tracked at once from a single location.
A real team effort.
The Entuitive-designed software has the advantage of being a single ecosystem of useful applications, from data collection to end presentation. While each module is designed to work independently, the whole datanest package means that there’s no time spent wasted sending files between departments. So mid-level managers can benefit from being in the office overseeing multiple projects without the need to independently micromanager juniors onsite, which bumps up the cost and lengthens delivery time.
Designed for flexibility.
Because datanest allows users to add in their data-collection fields, the software can be adapted to various industries, depending on the need. Currently, the software is being adopted by engineers to restaurant staff as part of their regular reporting.
If you think your business could benefit from Datanest, you can try it with your team for 14 days. Click here for a free trial.
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