Pointe Engineering is an Australian Specialist Grouting Contractor. We are experts at drilling and grouting to control water and stabilize ground for surface or underground infrastructure such as dams, tunnels and mines.
We pride ourselves on providing a service that exceeds requirements by being efficient during investigations, bringing practicality and safety with design and providing timely and high quality construction works.
With field work being a large part of Pointe Engineering's workload, the team did not always capture everything that they needed to when out in the field. Pointe is using Datanest to collect quality data at our slope stabilisation projects. The crew use the app to locate the drill holes, record drilling and grouting data and upload testing records. Datanest is being used to streamline data collection, processing and presentation.
"Datanest is simplifying the collection of our data in the field, fast tracking processing of this data and enabling us to review and present this data in a spatial way."